Who I Am

Hello, I am Steven Wauford. I started this blog so I can show people a different side of life. That the world isn't everything you read in the mainstream. What I post here, I want it to be dynamic. Yes, you'll see movie reviews and CD reviews and the like. But at the same time, you'll see something that, hopefully, will show a different light on humanity.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Libya: The Fight Continues, Congress is told to butt out

On March 19th, US Forces in concurrence with NATO forces began strikes in Libyan compounds that were government controlled as the citizens rebelled against their leader.  President Obama didn't ask permission from congress, or anyone else, to begin these attacks.  After two weeks of airstrikes and bombing runs on Libyan compounds, the United States handed over control of the operation to NATO forces.

However, publicly, all is not as it seemed.

The U.S. still has a presence in the operation.  While we do not have troops on the ground, nor our planes in the air, we still have troops in the area in support roles for operations.  Our ships still conduct strikes, along with our drones.  The fact is, while no one in our government is admitting to it, this has turned into yet another war.

But the White House keeps saying that this isn't a war that the United States is involved in.  Because under the war act of 1973, we have no troops on the ground fighting, therefore we are not at war.  Though our drones and technology are still in the air, and our troops are supporting them through a computer.

We are at war in Libya.  NATO may have control, but our tax dollars are being spent there, as well as Afghanistan and Iraq.  Our soldiers may not be fighting and dying on Libyan soil, we still have ships that could come under fire, and soldiers populating those vessels.  I guarantee that if one of those ships ever came under attack by Libyan forces still operating today, the United States would press forward.

It is because of this that I can say that we are already at war.  Because the U.S. is the biggest financial and military supporter in NATO, and our forces are still in the area.  Even though our esteemed President would like to make us believe that we are not.

Now, I do not dispute that the people in Libya need help.  Their dictator, Gaddhafi, has been violent as their ruler and has finally pushed them to the brink.  And as our status in the world, holding both nuclear weapons and one of the largest armed forces to date, it is our duty to help those who ask.  But that doesn't give our leaders the right to lie to their own citizens and the officials those citizens elect to represent them.

President Obama should have come to congress for authorization of any attack on the Libyan government forces.  That is the way our country is supposed to work.  When September 11th occurred, President Bush went to congress for approval for war.  They agreed.  Congress also passed approval for President Bush and his war in Iraq.  The Libyan conflict and our actions in it have never been approved by congress.

It is with this, that I believe that our current President is trampling on our constitution.  While it is not currently affecting our freedoms, it is showing how he really feels about the laws this nation has.  The constitution yes, is a living, breathing document.  But at the same time, there are certain powers that a President may never have, and the power to go to war without congressional approval is one of them.

Our country has to speak up against him, and the liberal media that supports this regime.  He is ignoring the fact that all citizens have rights.  Same with the world.  While the Libyan people did ask for our help, President Obama knows that we may not have the funds to offer it.  So, speak up, citizens of the nation, it is time the president actually heard us.

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