Who I Am

Hello, I am Steven Wauford. I started this blog so I can show people a different side of life. That the world isn't everything you read in the mainstream. What I post here, I want it to be dynamic. Yes, you'll see movie reviews and CD reviews and the like. But at the same time, you'll see something that, hopefully, will show a different light on humanity.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Well, it seems that Thursday didn't happen like it should have.  I had the post all ready for yesterday, however Blogger decided to take the control panel offline and go read-only.  So, sadly enough, I was unable to post last night.  However, with the post, I would like to take the time to revisit the topic of harassment.  Last month, I posted about harassment, and touched upon the stories of teens who were bullied and abused during their life an ended up committing suicide.

After I made that post, I looked on Youtube and found a clip from the Ellen show, just after Tyler Clementi took his own life.  As much as I don't like Ellen's comedy, I agree with the message that she put forth onto her show.

After watching the video, I decided to look through the comments on the video, and saw how varying people thought about harassment.  Now I can say this, children, just as much as adults, are different in personality.  Some children take the harassment and internalize their anger and anxiety, turning it into more and more pain against themselves.  Others take that same anger and externalize it, fighting back.  Either way, adults can stop the behavior, but have been blind to it.  Some of the comments on this video have made me sick, and I won't reference them directly here.

Another thing that inspired me was a message that I got on my Youtube account, from user Kyliemorganmusic.  The user is the official music video channel of a new country singer named Kylie Morgan.  I have no honest clue whether she sent this message to everyone, or just to me.  However, it was a major coincidence that I wrote about the very subject matter of this video.

The video is a direct memorial to Phoebe Prince, entitled 'It Matters What We Do'.  This song truly shows how far the act of harassment ripples through our society.  That's the hardest part of harassment, is that when someone takes their life because of harassment, our entire nation is affected.  When our country goes through a month like last September, it scary to see how far our children have gone in order to escape the pain that they're being put through.

Parents need to remember that every child is different.  None of them handle the physical and mental abuses of grade school the same way.  Teachers, Counselors, and Principles all need to realize that they have roles to play in order to stop harassment and violence.  The sad thing is, I don't have enough space to honor every victim of harassment by name, for there are many children out there.

I ask that you watch these videos, listen to the messages they bring forward to our society.  Harassment can make people stronger, but at the same time, it can make people weaker.  Harassment does not show that our society is united, it shows that our country is divided.  It is our time to bring this to an end.

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